I love the attempt to divorce ITAC from any responsibility. It's hillarious. [/b]

Funny, Ron is actually hoding the ITAC responsible in the post you quoted.

The ITAC makes NO decisions. We recommend. The CRB has indeed relied on us more in recent years to determine overall category direction, but the CRB and BoD are the decision and policy makers. The implementation of the FPR in 2005 was a CRB move (not introduced by the ITAC), and the SIR was an OPTION, not the primary recommendation in 2006. As a point of fact, the 'restrictor plate' language in the PCA clause in the ITCS was inserted (and developed) by the CRB, not the ITAC.

I for one, am tired of taking misdirected pot-shots from the ill-informed on this topic. We put ourselves out here to help people understand, debate, and relay ideas and opinions. No problem answering the hard questions with people who disagree, but write your letter if you have an opinion.

Can't quite remember any from a "DoubleD".


IMHO the system of rules authorization is broken - why does something from the ITAC require approval from a board that is completely uninterested in IT racing? Let them govern their fiefdom of aging Britsh Prod cars and leave us alone.

R [/b]

If I felt like the CRB didn't care, or was uninterested in Improved Touring, I wouldn't be volunteering my time on the ITAC.