Either a few data points have been left out or the numbers don't make much sense. Asuming the HP peaks are roughly the same, the cars shouldn't have that much difference in the torque for the same crank HP. Either Car #1 continues to make torque MUCH higher up the RPM range, or it has some hideous drive train losses to get that much difference in the torque numbers. (Or someone is playing games and running the two cars in different gears.) Based on the hints about what the real cars are, I assume it's a difference in the RPM for peak HP.

Based on that, I'd rate the two cars about even. Even HP, Car #1 weighs a little less and Car#2 has slightly better ratios and aero.

The torque numbers are misleading - they both have pretty flat torque curves (in the ranges shown - I'd like to see what car #1 has at 8000 rpm). And despite the old line about torque winning races, HP IS what counts. The other old line that rarely gets repeated "You can multiply torque, you can't multiply HP".

Tom Lyttle
The flaw in your logic is that you're assuming that the two engines are of the same type.