From the Forward section of the 2006 GCR......

"Effective January 1st, of each year, all editions of the SCCA
General Competition Rules and all Court of Appeals rulings are
superseded by the following SCCA General Competition Rules.'

I know that we have discussed the effect of COA actions on how we interpret the GCR. This statement from the Forward seems to me to imply that COA actions do not set precedent.

On the one hand, this eliminates the excuse of why we interpret something "We've always interpreted it that way". But on the other hand, it implies that we can't use protests and COA actions to clarify gray areas in the GCR.

What about 13.9's? Are they or can they be superceded by subsequent editions of the GCR?

I also notice that 13.9 has been amended this year to include the statement - "A non-compliant ruling will be published; a compliant ruling will not be

So, if someone files a 13.9 for a specific part, and it goes through the process, and the COA says yes you can use this part, the only way the rest of the club would know that it could be used is if the information was posted on a forum like this (or multiple forums if the part could be applied to multiple classes).

Please, friendly discussion here. There have been too many vicious arguments recently. Thanks.