Originally posted by Joe Harlan@Dec 14 2005, 05:39 PM
I'll bet there are people qualified to do the job outside of this club. Second you sure as hell do not use the spouse of an SCCA employee,Period Matt. What job are you shooting for in the club. The position you take on alot of issues makes me feel you are looking for a BOD/CRB shot in the future.

When you take a job as an employee of the club that should exclude you fom doing private business that relates to club racing. I did not do a report on Big Eds handyman service but one has to wonder in Mrs Ozment is an officer of that business? My wife is the vice president of my company. The point is that there had to be someone else that could have done the job that would not have used his/her position to push for financial gain for their own company.
I'll bet there are people qualified but how do you determine who is qualified? SCCA certifies that they meet our standards as a track inspector, right? At that point they are an agent of the club. But by your logic we would have to exclude anyone with actual experience in track construction. Secondly, what you have apparently not understood despite NUMEROUS statements, the decision to use Ed for the inspection is not affected or influenced by his wife. Two different departments. The only thing club racing has to do with it is they are informed not to issue sanctions for the track and that occurs AFTER the inspection. Prior to that they aren't even involved in the process. So to drag Terry into this is flat out wrong.

Nice try about calling my motives into play but I'm not biting. I have told you before I already have enough on my plate, the last thing I am interested in is a BOD/CRB position. Furthermore if you knew my stance on a wide range of club topics you would realize I am far from likely to fit the traditional BOD/CRB role.