Originally posted by Mattberg@Nov 24 2005, 08:42 PM
Funny... That's exactly what they told us about the Spec Miata vote in 2004. "Don't overreact. Everything's fine. Just wait until the meeting." Then they pulled the rug out from under us having made their decisions months before against what the drivers wanted. :angry: No. I don't think we'll be giving them that kind of wiggle room anymore. They can't be trusted when there's regional interests and money involved. :angry:

1. Who is "THEY"? A name or a face would help one know who we are talking about. A nameless, faceless reference to an entity known only as "they" does not give clear and concice information regarding the identityof those who you feel have performed a diservice to the SCCA members of SEDIV.

2. What was the Spec Miata vote in 2004 about, where a decision had been made by "they" ( Same group as rerfered to above ) some months before negating the wishes of the drivers ? There were two meetings in 2004, Jekyll and Atlanta. When I departed the room at both of these meetings the carpet--rug-- was still very much intact.

3. Since the afore menntioned "they", cannot be trusted with the well being nor money of the Regions of SEDIV, this amounts to a vote of no confidence.
I'm certain that a plethora of volunteers are patiently waiting in the wings, anxious to be tapped on the shoulder with the golden sword so that they may go forth as the "new and improved they".

Doctors practice medicine, lawyers practice law. Could we be considered to be practicing Administration? Maybe with enough practice we'll get it right.
