To put this in context, you need to know that I just wrote an note this weekend to the CRB endorsing - sight unseen - the strategic realignment plan put forth by the ITAC. Please not that this does NOT mean that I don't still have misgivings about what the current ITAC ajustment schema might become if it gets out of hand.

This quote is from my other favority racing board - - and suggests that we get closer to the edge of the slippery slope every time someone has a conversation about race weights:

Jeremy [Thoennes, apparently] said that they would look at results if i did race this car to see about giving the car a weight break if it needed it and it does sound like it. so by the time i run mid-pack if i do that and get comfortable with the car. and Hopefully they will give me a weight break to be competitve and in a couple seasons be a top driver ( dreaming and hopen here).
The car in question is the early '90s Protege LX, listed at a too-fat 2510 pounds in ITA (if my informration is correct).

Now, I understand that we are playing telephone here - someone said that Club Racing said - but even the SUGGESTION that we will get to experiences real Competition Adjustments (blech) makes me want to take a scalding hot shower, to wash off the ickiness.

BE CAREFUL PLEASE, ITAC folks. You might have your best efforts yanked out from under you. If this happens, it's going to righteously PO a lot of people who supported your efforts on the assurance that we wouldn't go there.