Originally posted by Andy Bettencourt@Nov 20 2005, 02:38 AM
Maybe sending a messenger that many people perceive as the boy that cried wolf would make for a better reception. Oh ya, placing the topic exclusively in the Sotheast section might have gotten you someplace too.

Been on 3 National Committies, 1 local and a Regional BoD and still have yet to get any payola. I must be doing someting wrong.

AHA! It was Bucanner region! I knew it! Thank you very much Ms. Creighton. That pretty much confirms just about everything I was speculating on. Keep an eye on this Florida folks. It's real.

Andy, what have I cried wolf about that wasn't substantiated as real? I've asked a bunch of people that same question lately who made claims like yours and have yet to hear anything.

The Florida Road Racing Championship....hmmm. Sounds pretty good to me. SARRC drivers from outside of Florida would be begging to get in! Come see the huge number of cars that show up next weekend at Sebring! Lat race there I had 108 cars in my race group. Eat your hearts out Buccaneer region!

I know IT doesn't care about Nationals but SC, GA and AL folks, come on down and watch three National races with 350-500 cars this year. I know you don't get to see that up north and it's a hoot!