Originally posted by lateapex911@Nov 18 2005, 02:21 AM

I have GOT to spend less time at this thing called "work" and devote entire days persuing paranoia!

Thanks for the earthshattering, hat blowing news...but last I checked, all my hats were present and accounted for, undisturbed...

Matt....do you know Mr Hudson? Why the total rude and disrespectul approach? I, and others, find it totally unacceptable, and completely without integrity.

Because it needed to be said and the whole "volunteer" thing makes it impossible for anyone to say the emperor has no clothes on for fear, no offense intended, of recourse like yours. I for one am tired of regional officials deciding our racing futures and playing God, disregarding rules and plotting out policy that does not benefit drivers in any way without regard for the drivers' opinions or needs and then hearing about it after it's a done deal. Furthermore, they all run from accountability when it goes bad with cries of "I'm a volunteer" and it gets supported as they get lumped in with the workers, the ones who truly deserve praise. I was flat out LIED to by a member of the BoD not once, not twice, but THREE times in order to deflect and/or delay any possible action by myself and others in opposition to what THEY desired which was not what the drivers wanted. This official also fabricated information, to support his decision claiming it was what the people of his division wanted, that was proven to be entirely false shortly thereafter but too late to do anything about it. It was what the REs in the division wanted. That's why I will not lay down on this issue. I've learned that we do it too often and I've been burned too many times. It's the reason we're buying belts every two years and running the Runoffs in Topeka, KS, just for a couple of examples. Fight early and often, make all intentions and positions known and do not allow operations to take place behind closed doors. Create accountability.

Have you ever heard a BoD member come out publicly and say, "boy we really screwed up on this Enterprises deal." Or, did the CRB take responsibility for the famous Z4 debacle. No, they passed it onto the drivers. How about Spec Miata? They claimed every excuse from typos to fabricated polling of members. Not communicating to the Florida drivers, their intentions with this proposal, was and is a total disservice.

On the actual issue of the proposal, the way to market for new racers for under performing regions is to do exactly that, not try and force a shift of existing market base to a new location by restriction. That's what's being attempted. Instead of generating interest in other regions which they haven't been able to do they want to take what we in Florida have spent much time and money creating and distribute it elsewhere. It can only amount to a net loss by and business standard. And if certain regions aren't looking to benefit peripherally from this, please explain to me why all other regions should be resrticted from running races other than the "elite eight"? If you want to distribute fairly that doesn't sound fair to me?