This year will mark the first appearance of the Mobile Galactic Headquarters RV. We have found a sponsor and a driver, so with only a month to go it's time to work out the details, such as...

1) Where's the best place to park it? The pits would be best but we are assuming that's out. Second choice?

2) What is needed in the way of supplies? Rumor has it that a couple of the NER guys are Corona fans, but aside from that we are at a loss. Can any locals throw in a BBQ grill?

3) The driver has volunteered to handle all of the logistics of the RV, which means they will have no local transport at the track. Anyone have a golf cart they would like to donate for the weekend? Scooter? Bicycle? Limo? Racecar?

Any thoughts or suggestions would be welcomed.

[Note: The RV is not sponsored by any company. Funding is coming from an anonymous donor. I ran this idea past the company a couple years ago, but for some reason the image of racer car drivers, beer, a motorhome and race track didn't go over too well in the risk management department. Go figure.]