Believe it or not, I don't have a water temp gauge in my ITA 240SX. The stock gauge seems to go straight to the hot mark. I don't know if it's the sender or the gauge. The only thing that seems to work on the stock gauge cluster is the tach and that is suspect so I would guess it's the gauge. In any case I want to put in an aftermarket gauge that is actually acurate.

My question is can I just get an electrical water temp gauge and splice into the wires coming from the stock sender (assuming it's good) or do I need to put in an entirely different sender? I would guess it depends on whether the signal coming from the stock sender matches the range the gauge is expecting, but I'm not sure if there's some sort of standard for this or how I can tell if they match. If I do need to put in a new sender, where's the best place to do it? Can I pull out the stock unit and put in the new one or does the ECU need the signal? Is there some place that's really easy or is it pretty much a custom job based on where you want it?

