Following the advice in your previous dissertation on setting up the 240Z, I plan to switch from "west coast" setup to "east coast" (see specifics below). Two questions

1) By the text book, this should tighten up the car. Is this the effect I should expect on the 'Z?

2) After going to the quaife LSD from welded, I get significant inside wheel spin on some corners. Is the solution to go to some kind of tender spring to keep more down force on the inside wheel when the body rolls? Other suggestions?

Thanks, Todd

Current setup:
Ft: 330lbs/in R: 380lbs/in
F sway bar = 1 1/8" R sway bar = 3/4"

Target setup:
Ft: 375lbs/in R: 325lbs/in
F sway bar = 1 1/8" R sway bar = 3/4"