Folks, just got back from my first pre-tech inspection for my annual, and watch out for GCR 17.4.2. I was able to fabricate one from another fuel distribution unit. I grabbed one of the larger "banjo" bolts from the rear of the spare unit, that had the 2nd fitting to the fuel regulator, and replaced the front end of the fuel filter with that bolt, then took a spare pressure regulator line, and attached that to the end of that fitting, then got a bolt, and with 2 ea of the brass washers, made a "plug" on the smaller end of the banjo fitting. I then attached this line via tie-wraps to the upper stress bar, so it's out of the way, but is easily accessable if/when needed. I'll post some pics if anyone is interested.

Tim Linerud
San Francisco Region SCCA
#95 ITB GTI, GP for 2002