I'm looking to purchase a open / flat bed trailer. At this time, I really do not want an enclosed trailer. I know it should have two axels.

One major question is if it should have electric or surge brakes? I realize that if it has electric, I will need to get an actuator installed. I looked into this already for my truck; unfortunately it isn't a quick and easy job. I found someone that would do it for $250 (parts and labor). (Toyota Tundra) From what I understand, a trailer with electric brakes is better. Is that true?

I'll only be towing one car - a Honda Prelude (for now). Any particular length you would recommend? Ramps - it would be nice if they slid into the trailer. A tire rack would be nice too.

What else should I look for? I'll make things a little more difficult. I really can't spend more than $1,000 for it.

Thanks for the advice.