Is anyone else less than thrilled about this? For the Mid Ohio races, they moved the Brat Bash up one week, put the WOR Games the next weekend after it (as a double, that's good), and then moved back the Autumn Classic one week. Back to back weekends of double regionals at the same track? Does that seem stupid to anyone else? Better hope you don't break anything the first weekend...

Also, since for some reason I've never understood, most of the people in CenDiv never race until the Freedom Regional the first weekend of July at Mid Ohio. This has really created damn near a two month racing season for a good number of people and has made an already busy and hectic schedule even more of one.

We also apparently have two new tracks - the Milwaukee Mile and the Nurburg at Joliet (or something like that) Does anyone know anything about these? Does the Milwaukee Mile have a "roval" I don't know about? Is the Nurburg at Joliet a renamed Route 66 Speedway? I think that's what it was called - never been there but there hasn't been SCCA activity there for several years.

...end rambling.