We are pleased again to announce the 2004 Central Division SCCA IT7 Championship Series with year-end trophies provided by G-Force Engineering.

Your support is required to maintain the IT7 class within the SCCA Central Division. How can you support the class?

1)Register for the Central Division’s Regional Championship Series - http://www.cendiv-scca.org/racing/champ_se...gchampentry.pdf Because the IT7 class is optional and not eligible for year end awards from the Division, the $10 entry fee is not required. However, you MUST register to be eligible for the G-Force Engineering Series trophies.

2)Race – if the Central Division Series committee doesn’t see an improvement vs. last year’s IT7 participation, the IT7 class may be dissolved back into ITA.

3) Pass the word – if you know of an IT7 racer who may be interested in racing at a CenDiv track please pass the word.

Rich Miller
SCCA CenDiv IT7 Liason