I was talking to someone about the racing we as amatuer racers do with SCCA. they where shocked that we do this for fun with no monetary rewards to speak of. They brought up several suggestions of things that I may be able to do for my region to increase numbers and get more people involved. They suggested talking to local hotels/resturants/ ect that would be willing to give rooms/ meal passes good for the next race weekend that we hold. I thaught that this was a great idea especially for NHIS where car counts are down. He proposed all sorts of types of restrictions to keep it somewhat profitable for the companies (So they stay interested and at the same time good for us) An example would be 1st place gets $150.00 towards there next hotel bill good only during the next race weekend held by NER. Then $100.00 then $50.00 this would obviosly be benificial for the hotel since most would stay more than 1 night and it is a bunch of free advertising in things like Pit talk and flyers we can hand out about the program at registration. I'm sure it would build a reputation with many drivers short and long term. It would also be benificial for NER as this would encourage drivers to go to the next event.

Is this something that ametuer racing can handle?
Is this something we are allowed to do under SCCA rules/ bylaws?
Is this anything that the members would be interested in?
Is it unfair if we only do certain classes and segregate other classes? maybe have it depend on avg. Participation rates?

Obviosly if everyone here thinks it is a poor idea I will not pursue it any further but if you any of you are positive about it I would certainly do the legwork. I'm from town and have some networking around town. I just don't know any of the bylaws we are governed by and I'm not sure if people would really want to be racing for monetary prizes.

I'm sure Kirk would no some legistics since he has set this up for the ARRC along with dick, the Mush and others you can give me some feedback. Again this would be something above and beyond to try and bring some more people from other regions up to NH.

Hey don't beat me up to bad it was jsut a thought that someone came up with that I thought might benifit our region


[This message has been edited by RSTPerformance (edited September 09, 2003).]