I'll go out on a limb (because MY only chance at another win needs another monsoon!) and choose option A.

Class them so they fit the class, not overdogs or a car that can win on any track if the right car and driver combination shows up, but so that they can win on certain tracks if the right combo shows up. And when it rains? Oh well! See ya!

Look at it another way....you say demand is nil. If classed, then the repercusions will be nil as well, right??

On the other hand, maybe there is latent demand that needs to be developed?

Why not throw it in Fastrack to get a tiny bit of feedback? Say, "The ITAC has requested the CRB to classify AWD vehicles in IT. The CRB requests member feedback on the issue.", and see what comes back.

Jake Gulick
CarriageHouse Motorsports
ITA 57 RX-7
New England Region
[email protected]