Originally posted by Banzai240:
Yep... I guess "up to" really doesn't mean "down to" after all...

Just remember that we've got a bunch of interpreters here (and out there). I for one would've interpreted it as any size "up to" 15" (as a limiting term), rather than "sizing up" to 15" (as a directive). I would tell ya how I'd have written it, but we've already armchair quarterbacked that thing to death...

So hey Darin, George, or Andy- can you tell us about these mystical "proposed changes to the ECU rule" that were mentioned in the CRB minutes? Or at least, can you tell us if the ITAC is in on the discussion? It would really be nice to know some of this stuff in being discussed, even if we don't know what the discussion is...

Matt Green
"Ain't nothin' improved about Improved Touring..."