Originally posted by badal:

Al and Others,
I'm really going to be smacked for this, but the discussion has been opened and I'm going to throw in.
Given DC Region has run a pretty good show for years, but in the area of efficient implementation of a schedule we sometimes leave a great deal to be desired.

We have for the past few years been subject to some rather strange group mixes due to a desire to limit the number of race groups without it seems to me giving attention to "pushing the schedule along." For example NCR at VIR runs in excess of 12 sessions a day of very large race groups and manages to finish by 5:00 PM. We appear to have a problem at Summit squeezing in the 9 groups. Mainly because of delays between sessions and a rather relaxed attitude about getting cars "on track."

Perhaps if we did away with some of the ride arounds during lunch and a few social events, we might get everyone racing in appropriate groups. Businesses that fail to pay attention to efficiency in the face of increased sales eventually "straightline" or fall to the competition.

Now don't anyone accuse me of not wanting to be "charitable," I'm all in favor of helping the communities that put up with us, but we are afterall in the "business" of racing. There's plenty of time outside the racetrack for helping the less fortunate.