Originally posted by badal:

Is Mr. Keane really a pro driver?
What is the delay in returning it to ITB?

How about ITB? Just as vintage, maybe more so.

Nothing has happened-so? We have stable classifications, not the dreaded class creep like ITS.

When I say that about a Pro driver, I look at the RA track record, set at the 2001 ARRC. Randy Pobst, 1:47.916. We have received a letter on it, and voted just recently.

If we thought the NB was better in ITB, it would be there. Look for it's Golf twin to be in ITB at a more acheivable minimum weight.

You say stable, *I* say STALE. Old cars that are hard to find parts for, nevermind rust free chassis to start building one. ITC participation numbers are HORRIBLE accross the country with few exceptions. Why is that? I say because very few have any interest in getting INTO ITC becuase of the cars, their age, and the ability to build and maintain one. If stability was the only factor, ITC would see the same surge in drivers as Spec Miata.

I understand that some ITC folks would be concerned. We think the car will be fine in C.


Andy Bettencourt
ITS RX-7 & Spec Miata 1.6
New England Region R188967