Originally posted by grega:
That is not always true. My NX2000 "supposedly" used different front rotors and calipers for a car equipped with ABS (I say "supposedly" because in reality all US-market NXs came with the bigger brakes. Thus is the error in using specific examples as supporting evidence). It is very common to offer different components with and without ABS.
This is not a valid point. I have very specific knowledge of this situation and it is in error.

First of all, not all NX2000s came with the larger AD22VF brakes. There are NX2000s delievered to the US market with the smaller AD18V brakes. This has nothing to do with ABS. The larger brakes were part of a "sport package" that either all NXen came with in 91 and 92 or was offered in 93 as an optional package. The only thing I am unsure of here is whether in 91 and 92 the package was an option all cars came with or if it was standard equipment. I'm 100% certain of 93.

Furthermore, the issue of different brakes for ABS is simply a cataloging error. As Inventory Accounting Manager for Big A Auto Parts I saw a lot of brake catalogs. I also know that there are only a very few (<5 IIRC) companies that provide cataloging for replacement parts. They are all wrong. Just where this error started is unknown, but it is an error none the less.

Because of this, these points are not valid in this discussion.

That said, I'm sure there are examples of different brake set-ups on ABS vs non-ABS versions of other cars. But, we don't know the engineering reasons why, i.e., we don't know if brake were upgraded to accomodate a heavier car with a particular option package or some similar issue. We cannot hold this up as an example either because the reasons for different brake set-ups between ABS/non-ABS could be many.

George Roffe
Houston, TX
84 944 ITS car under construction
92 ITS Sentra SE-R occasionally borrowed