OK, the cheating thread and a discussion at the recent apres Comp Board bar meeting brings up this idea.

Lets start with some truths:

1- Most of us don't like the level of cheating that is suspected of existing in IT.

2- None of us wants to be the bad guy to write the paper.

To that end, what can we do in the current system to improve things, even just a little??
Impound...we have the option of impouning as many cars as we like.

So....what are some of the things you think should be checked in impound? Obviously teardowns to check crank journals are out of the question, but most of us know about certain "cheats" that are model specific that are possible to catch in a less intrusive inspection.

If you don't want them posted on a public forum, email me off line and I will help you get them to the tech guy of your choice.

So, what are some ideas..I know thre are a bunch, lets make a lidt.

I'll start.

Rotaries are notorious for responding to porting well. I never knew how easy it was to check. So, I would like to see that checked.

A guess: VWs have lots of interchangable parts. I bet they have casting numbers..can those be chaecked??

What else???

Jake Gulick
CarriageHouse Motorsports
ITA 57 RX-7
New England Region
[email protected]