Okay, I see.

The problem here is that there are truly several motivations for this rule change (one or more applying to each competitor), and a few more against it.

The "for" are:

1. Buy new but inexpensive wheels.

2. Run larger wheels to increase performance.

3. Have a choice of wheels to change gearing.

The "against" are:

4. Giant wheels are too expensive.

5. Giant wheels are too fast.

6. Giant wheels require expensive tires.

7. ANY change will cost me money.

Did I miss any?

Considering that 15" wheels are currently both the cheapest and the most available, would many people object to the following rule?

Allow cars running anything less than 15" to run *up* to 15". Allow cars running anything more than 15" to run *down* to 15". Allow cars running exactly 15 to run +/- 1" (i.e., 14"-16").