Originally posted by MK:

If we truly wish to shut the door on expensive equipment, why not fixed dollar limits?
Just not practical for IT. Who sets the price? What happens if you get stuff for free, etc.?

Originally posted by MK:
BTW-It's all relative, correct? What one thinks is expensive, another may think as relatively cheap.
All too true. But, that doesn't mean you don't try.

Originally posted by MK:
Yes it's supposed to be fun, but it seems there's always a natural progression towards the ridiculous. My step-father would call the super high-end BMWs "obscene". I would agree.
You know Matt, I can't argue with much that you said. I do think there are areas we can work on containing costs and while not 100% fool-proof, IMHO they generally work.

George Roffe
Houston, TX
84 944 ITS car under construction
92 ITS Sentra SE-R occasionally borrowed