OUBOB, I get 1000$ plus fuel and tires for 2 days.600 more for each day. So figure that many are spending about 3K per race as rentals or a little less as owners. maybe 2K .
I have 3HP cars , 2 of which are top 3 cars at most tracks.
The issue that I and my my well funded drivers have, is that the majors have qualifying on Fri. The majors appears to be aimed at retired rich guys and fly in A&D.
The real world guys with jobs just dont fit.
I have set up our runoffs qualifying around the regionals/Division with some room to run the later Majors.
The national drivers, (old guys mostly ) really believe that the regional drivers are less worthy. As they race in their divisions at Majors , they do see the same 5 drivers and know what to expect of each other , so the concept is not invalid.