so an admittedly not full tilt STL integra, a full tilt ITS miata (99-00), and a less than East Street spec STL 99-00 miata are all roughly on par at a specific track. groovy. I agree with your assessment in general but just want to point out that the BOP observed is not actually representative of the rule set. it was a good race though. I also agree that when K20 powered FA or later civics hit the joint at the runoffs next year 4-5s will fall from the lap record. and I still like kirk's general idea that there ought to be a class for actual touring cars among the myriad classes with the name of touring, currently being won by a select few, non touring, cars.

What's the skinny on the "concorde agreement" and in what way will STL, Prod, GT, and Touring (IT??) be merged, killed off, or otherwise affected? arguing about category rules now might be a moot point with that in the distance.