so took your recommendations as the car had positive camber in the front and was off in the rear as well. now we are sitting with -2.2/-2.5 LF/RF for camber with -2.2/-2.3 for toe in front. for the rear we are at -1.9/-3.1 LR/RR and 4.5/5.8 toe. I will need to reshim the rearm assuming (this is all new to me as i usually do the motor and drive and leave the chassis to someone else - but I'm going to have to do it sooner or later). Saw these ez shims (a round disc you cut parts out of) that oriely sells. Unless you scream deathtrap with these setting, ill be running at savannah this weekend as is and the try and fix them for road atlanta next month. is there a "better" shim setup ands do they control each (camber & toe) separately or onlyy together?