The advice I'd give to that person is that it's quite debatable whether that intake is legal or not. They should also further look into whether there are truly any gains to be made. Then based upon those pieces of information, decide whether or not the hassle is going to be worth it. I looked into it after seeing that intake at Summit Point on the way back from picking up my Miata. I then spoke with ISC and a few other companies. I don't think that is a better option. I do know that every time I raised my hood in impound (do often regardless of whether or not required to), it would cause questions. Then questions about what else might I be doing too. It's also an easy protest that I have to imagine would come with a small protest bond fee. Curious, what do you think that would be?

After this simple protest is filed, it's then going to be a debate amount the powers that be just as being done here. Maybe found illegal then move on up to National.

Back to the real question, it sure looks debatable and right on the edge of the rules if it's not illegal.

That plastic cover near the rad. All year 1.8s have them? I don't recall ever seeing one on a Miata. I'll admit you made me go outside and take a look at mine. It's not there. For cooling purposes, I'd almost think it would be better to have it. My intake is not in that area and don't think there's any impact.