Please recomend a "respectful" donation recommendation.... Some people have deep pockets here and some have empty ones but we all want to help.
Raymond "Glad I will still have a place to post my success with Street Tires " Blethen
Please recomend a "respectful" donation recommendation.... Some people have deep pockets here and some have empty ones but we all want to help.
Raymond "Glad I will still have a place to post my success with Street Tires " Blethen
RST Performance Racing
No recommendations. Give what you think it's worth, I assure you that all funds will go back into the forum.
The only suggestion I have is that this initial pledge drive is for the upgrades; anything extra can help to get "extra" features added. Then we're likely to ask again each year to keep the lights on.
- GA
After I read Phil's post (above) I did some research, and can confirm that
the overwhelming sense in the interwebs is that vB5 is a disaster.
MANY boards are trying to, or have completed, a BACKGRADE from vB5 to vB4.
PLEASE upgrade only to vB4 and not beyond... please.
PayPal contribution completed. Greg PM'd. Greg... please post running totals, ok?
Glenn Lawton
#14 ITS RX7
NARRC ITS Champion 2012
NERRC ITS Champion 2013 12 11 10 09 08
NERRC STU Champion 2010
I still run VB 3.8 on due to some features it has that don't translate well to VB 4.X. No way in hell I'd go to VB 5.
Art Jaso
Former 1989 Toyota MR2 #55 ITB
DC Region SCCA
DC Region Board of Directors
Coordinator of Racers Helping Racers Fund
PDX/TT Committee Member
PDX Co-Chief of Grid
PDX Chief Technical Inspector
SCCA Pit Marshall
SCCA Pace Car
Producer of "Racing Summit Point" Video
Donation sent and thanks to Bill, Greg and all involved.
~Matt Rowe
ITA Dodge Neon
Donation sent.
Marty Doane
ITS RX-7 #13 (sold)
2016 Winnebago Journey (home)
Dave Gran
Real Roads, Real Car Guys – Real World Road Tests
Go Ahead - Take the Wheel's Free Guide to Racing
Cash sent!
#08 ITA/STL Miata
Thanks all for the donations. I got an email from Bill last that we easily met the halfway mark and he's already purchased and downloaded the software. He's aware of the v5 issue so we'll be moving to v4. He's out of town this week but will be reading and planning the upgrade while away and will have a better idea of timetable next week.
If you've got any requests for add-ons, post that here.
And if you've got thoughts of donating, now's the time, no matter how big or small (every little bit helps). It will all be used or this forum only. Let's get the cash flowing and we can look into upgrading and moving forward.
Funds Sent!
Tom Weaver: Logistics & Technical Support Manager IE truck driver for 1986 RX-7 ITS #63. "Diesel Haulin' Rotary" 2005 Dodge 2500 Quad Cab The Hemi has retired "Long Live the Hemi" Bill Weaver Driver- 2004 NYSRRC John Chave Award. 2006 & 2013 ITS NYSRRC Champion!. Truck Driver Named Glen Region Worker of the Year 2008.Located 45 miles southeast of Watkins Glen in Sayre PA.
Really? Only half way? I would have guessed we'd be way ahead by now.........
Paid mine!!
Jeff L
ITA Miata
2010 NARRC Champion
2007 NERRC Championship, 2nd place
2008 NARRC Championship, 2nd place
2009 NARRC Championship, 2nd place
Yeah, me too Jeff. Or maybe the final amount is different than I thought.
Dave Gran
Real Roads, Real Car Guys – Real World Road Tests
Go Ahead - Take the Wheel's Free Guide to Racing
GA please state the mission for this site.
Thanks, MM.
Mike Ogren ,, 352.4288.983 ,
While playing with forum software, I'd like to see Tapatalk plugin installed. It's free from Tapatalk and makes the site mobile friendly..
Houston Region
STU Nissan 240SX
EProd RX7
I sent $20.
Demetrius Mossaidis aka 'Mickey' #12 ITA NESCCA
'92 Honda Civic Si
STFU and "Then write a letter."
2013 ITA NARRC Champion and I have not raced since.
I haven't been on much lately with work and all. However, I like the direction that has been discussed and donated a few $.
Kyle C
#69 ITA Honda CRX
Glen Region Timing & Scoring Chief
No, what I said at the time was "we easily met the halfway mark" which was Mr Webmaster's benchmark before he'd begin committing the time and money for the upgrade.
I had a brief email exchange with him last night, and we've met our funding goals, with enough left over to cover operating costs. Thanks to everyone! Mr Webmaster has purchased the software and is beginning the planning process for the upgrade; he assures me that he's done several of these and is well-versed on the process. We have no schedule yet, but once something is nailed down I'll let you know when.
There will be one maintenance task that I'll need help on. If you go to the user list you'll see that we have something like 15,000 registered users, the vast majority of which have no posts. In addition, you can usually pick out the spammers, which have random characters or obvious advertising in their userID (e.g., "All AmericanStorage" and "plquumber5f"). We'll need to prune all those outta there. No way one person can do it. So at some point I'll be asking the current admin staff to clean these up on a regular basis (no rush, long term process) and ask if anyone else wishes to help.
I'm also likely to purge out old classified ads, ones that have been inactive for over a year or so, clean up the database.
Other than that, we'll get upgraded, add in some challenges to reduce spammers, and move forward.
Edit: Although we made our 2014 funding goal, please do not hesitate to donate if you've been procrastinating. 100% of that you send, no matter how large or small, goes toward current and future costs of the forum, and is sincerely appreciated. Mr Webmaster is hosting and doing all the work himself without charge, and your administrator staff here is all voluntary.
Last edited by Greg Amy; 01-20-2014 at 09:38 AM.