Guys I apologize. I got a couple emails in the last week that confused me. Why were people saying the site wasn't back online?
Well, tonight I realized that the redirect everyone else was seeing was something that I didn't see as as an admin or even when I was using my "test" account. I screwed up.
You all should have seen the site back about 2 weeks ago...but tonight I changed that.

Now.... we are not out of the woods yet. The spamming community has on some sort of "hot list", probably since it has been around since 2000. There is a real possibility that we could get shut down by the web host again if they attack us.

I will have more free time (finally) over the next few weeks and when not spending time with family (or looking for a new house, and a new car, and a myriad of other distractions) I hope to be able to make some changes to assure the future of