Quote Originally Posted by Flyinglizard View Post
I think that the most important part of the initial statement was about the driver ,"IT‐EZ is designed to provide a way for drivers to earn an SCCA racing license and race in regional ".
Is this an evolution of the CRX? Can Crap canners run with out a prior school? On a novice permit?
How can we get this into the SE area?
Well done. MM
With regard to licensees, now this is important, this class is a club racing class. This is an opportunity to race with NER SCCA in cars that do not meet the normal rule set. You still need a license and all personal safety gear. This is because these cars run in regular club racing run groups.
If someone has a car available and no license they have a couple of choices. They can enter the NHMS driver school the Friday of Memorial Day weekend or if they have previous racing experience they can ask the NE Div licensing guy Pete Smith if he will waive the requirement. NER is also working on alternative schools on test days before other events though out the year.
I have to say the NER driver’s schools is a hell of a good value, lots of track time, good coaching and a ton of fun. If someone can do it I would say they will have a great time.
So take your Lechump and have some fun and end up with a SCCA license. Then you have lots of options.
The other program in the pipeline is a SCCA CRE or club racing experience. This is the pilot program that ran a few events last year at the Glen, St Louis, and others. CRE does not require a license but is a separate run group with 13/13 rules and performance limited to around ITA/SM levels. I tentatively have permission to run one at the August NHMS weekend. This requires less paperwork so it is a little easier to get into but because it is a separate rune group it is higher financial risk for the region to do. I strongly recommend if you have a car available and want to race do the IT EZ path as you will have a lot more opportunities.

as to what you can do in the SE talk it up to the people in the regions running races.