but maybe my attachment to IT makes me reluctant to re-invent the class somewhere else. IT, IMO, isn't in the greatest place today. It has become too expensive and complicated for any number of reasons, some of them preventable; and there are so many other opportunities beckoning IT racers to stray, whether to another organization or class.
Numbers are down from 15 years and I don't see that trend reversing, especially in the new economy. Bread and butter issues matter. Maybe T4 & 5 would work-we DO need another class, don't we? NOT!
I feel that ITC & ITB are were the spawning grounds for the grass roots that launched that great improved touring momentum-most of which is lost and, also, unfortunately forgotten. I still see it having the possibility of a renaissance.
And regarding B & C driver's being resentful for a class reinvigorated? Why?