Please expand on the two highlighted items paying particular attention to time, staffing and financial resource requirements.
My goal was to save time, money, and have almost no Tech staffing. Right now we have about 15 people sitting there around the Tech. Not to mention we Tech, Impound, Tear cars, and etc at every event. It costs tons of money. Why?

It would be easier to do this: Eliminate Tech staff minus one guy who can help competitors run in the event. Instead of teching/inspecting/impounding/tearing random cars at every event, you could do it randomly once or twice per season. No one would know THE date or time when the inspection happens.

Instead of using club staff I would train college students from automotive schools and pay them to do the inspection. That, or any other driver unrelated group that would want to get paid to do a good inspection. Inspections would be camera recorded without the owner being there. Inspectors would run a secret list in order to check cars. It's not difficult.

In terms of money for paid inspections I would cancel the burger and fries for the drivers (about $5000 last I checked) and used that to have smooth events. Beer would stay.

Contingency money, prices, and trophy would be announced at the end of the season where every car would already be "clear".

The loogbook that each car has would become the title that would be granted to you (land in the states is granted like that) as a privilege to race in the club. Those that do not want to race like that, we simply don't need.