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Thread: Most dangerous driver in IT.

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    Mr "DOS EQUIS" Funk....he creates apexes where none formerly existed. Has the ability to drive a double digit HP Honda past the "Nurburgring twosome" with grace and ease while waving to his beautiful bride in the grandstand.:026:
    Attached Images Attached Images

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Sep 2005


    You've captured the essence of "me" so eloquently. But I'm not as old looking as that dude in the photo.
    Ed Funk
    NER ITA CRX, ITB Civic, ITC CRX (wanna buy a Honda?)
    Smart as a horse, hung like Einstein!

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Ed Funk View Post
    You've captured the essence of "me" so eloquently. But I'm not as old looking as that dude in the photo.
    Pictures were changed to protect the current youthful innocence of Mr Funk!

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Jan 2005


    You need a new mirror :-)
    sorry, I couldn't help myself!
    NER South

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Sep 2005


    That's not a mirror in our bathroom, it's a life size portrait of my father....just wish he was wearing some clothes.
    Ed Funk
    NER ITA CRX, ITB Civic, ITC CRX (wanna buy a Honda?)
    Smart as a horse, hung like Einstein!

  6. #26
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    Jul 2008



  7. #27
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    Black Rock, Ct


    Stand down, Ed, I think that I have been chosen by Spinetti as your man....
    Jake Gulick

    CarriageHouse Motorsports
    for sale: 2003 Audi A4 Quattro, clean, serviced, dark green, auto, sunroof, tan leather with 75K miles.
    IT-7 #57 RX-7 race car
    Porsche 1973 911E street/fun car
    BMW 2003 M3 cab, sun car.
    GMC Sierra Tow Vehicle
    New England Region

  8. #28
    Join Date
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    Can we have a "crash off"?
    Ed Funk
    NER ITA CRX, ITB Civic, ITC CRX (wanna buy a Honda?)
    Smart as a horse, hung like Einstein!

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Black Rock, Ct


    Sure, just go find Dan and drive into the side of my old car. Please hit the front, rear, or right side. He still has my drivers rear quarter window, and I want that back lol!
    Jake Gulick

    CarriageHouse Motorsports
    for sale: 2003 Audi A4 Quattro, clean, serviced, dark green, auto, sunroof, tan leather with 75K miles.
    IT-7 #57 RX-7 race car
    Porsche 1973 911E street/fun car
    BMW 2003 M3 cab, sun car.
    GMC Sierra Tow Vehicle
    New England Region

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    Breaking news.........pecos edward funk caught,tried and executed at the tombstone road racing track....for behavior unsuitable for an it racer......grieving spouse found downing copious amounts of corn likker(sic) at the local saloon.

  11. #31
    Join Date
    May 2007


    Since when did Ed start driving a Pinto?

    BoneSpec Transmissions
    Honda D-series tranny specialist

  12. #32
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    Realizing that they may have made a "serious" error in regards to the notorious apex squealer "Pecos Edward Funk", The wounded Knee Region SCCA Stewards took a 2nd look a the Currier and Ives mule mounted video of several incidents.

    As a results points were restored to the deceased Pecos Funk Logbook.......and the true perps "The Nurburgring 2" were dealt with accordingly in impound.

  13. #33
    Join Date
    Mar 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by Ed Funk View Post
    Looooong story! Started a year ago spring race at NHMS. I had a radiator problem...small hole from debris, new radiator, no spare with me. Another in my class, drives a yellow Golf, graciously offered his expertise at field fixing the problem. Solved, went on to race with him at least two races that weekend...good close racing, with him squeaking out a win over our grossly underpowered Honda, mostly because he was learning the track for the first time. Had a few times when I felt he was being a bit crowding, chopping....but I let it go because he obviously had the faster car and had helped out and saved our weekend for us.

    Fast forward to LRP. His protege in a black Golf qualified next row back and right behind me, again obviously a stronger car, not as much corner speed. He got a much better start and got up beside me to my right, I had a car to my left and couldn't move over. He ran out of room to the right....grass. Suffice to say we got together his left rear and my right front touched, he spun in front of me, I hit him in the drivers side rear door. My car went dead stick, and I parked at station 2 (Big Bend). He continued and finished the race with lots of negative camber. Don't know why my car died...should have tried to re-start it, because it fired up and I drove back to the paddock. Well, given my natural calm personality, I went to his paddock area and WENT OFF on the roughly 10 people who were there...he wasn't. Later, he and 2-3 friends came to our paddock area to "discuss" the situation, needless to say it was a "he said, I said" deal and nothing was resolved. Unfortunately, our camera went to "rest" mode before the race and we had nothing on video. I queried here after the event to see if anyone behind us had video to see who moved over on takers.

    Jump ahead to this year at Pocono, they were garaged just down and across from us. I went down, stuck out my hand and apologized for my behavior in his paddock area the year before....we shook hands, and agreed to disagree on the etiology of the incident at LRP.

    This past weekend at NHMS, the yellow Golf and the black Golf qualified 1st, 2nd to my third in the rain. Our Honda was handling evilly....a suspension problem that was not discovered until Sun. am, was causing sudden intermittent infinitely stiff rear roll stupidity! I made a pass attempt into 6 on the first lap, immediately got into a real tank slapper in traffic! The black Golf tried to go under me...we got together, I went for a ride through the gravel and left 7 DFL. Managed to climb back up to 3rd. Went to contact impound after the race, took full blame for the incident, apologized profusely and shook his hand.

    Sunday am race, started 3rd, got up to 2nd, then back to 3rd when Nat came ripping through. Raced ahead of black Golf for most of race, he had waaaay more power but I was much faster in the oval, so was able to stay ahead of him, until he tried a late braking move inside into 3, I stayed out and executed a beautiful (even if I do say so myself) crossover on him. No contact. Video shows that I was well ahead before moving to the exit of the track, even though they claimed after that I forced him off!

    Finished 3rd, started the last race of the day, just like all the others, right behind the yellow Golf. I anticipated the green and got a jump on him, and went to his left, at which point I got squeezed to the wall, even though our video shows no traffic to his right. I don't take intimidation well, and kept my foot in it....we got to the end of the wall, there was traffic to his right at that point...he lifted, I didn't. He beat me to 3 and drove away. Black Golf beat me to 3 also, but I managed to take my little Honda with double digit HP and get back by him and barely held on for the 3rd 3rd of the weekend.

    After the race, I had just changed and was getting ready to load up and go home, Steph was off being Trophy Girl, black Golf driver and yellow Golf driver stopped by to explain to me how I was the most dangerous driver in IT. Well, in my opinion, driving to intimidate and then getting pissed because someone doesn't fold is not real gentlemanly. But then, my suggesting they go take turns butt f¥€king each other may not have been too civilized either.

    Hi Ed and all....
    I am sorry I didnt reply to this thread before now. They also had voiced their , not so nice opinion, to a friend of mine last year. I should have ....I to had a run in with these guys over this last weekend. The level of intimidation of the guys at Injun Summer racing is intolerable.

    In short the fun has been taken out of it . In fact, I am almost certain I am done racing altogether. If I were to continue racing, it WOULD NOT BE IN ITB. But my mind is made up.

    I was not going to post anything...but I would like the ITB guys who did not attend this weekend's race to know what is happening in the class.

    If you beat the black or yellow golfs expect them to get in your face.

    John VanDenburgh

    VanDenburgh Motorsports
    ITB Audi Coupe GT

  14. #34
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    Location "First Loser" Greensboro, NC USA


    Apropos of nothing, I had a great experience running with Ryan at the ARRC two years ago, racing nose-to-tail for what ended up being the bronze medal.

    We duked it out for a bit until I think we both figured out we'd be better off cooperating to catch the leaders rather than fighting each other for 6th. We caught two guys before I put a pass on him that stuck. I seem to recall that he put a nudge on me, when I think he got a bit of understeer coming to the bridge, but he apologized...

    And this was after I'd clobbered him in the jam-up in T7 when Martin got messed up in front of everyone.


  15. #35
    Join Date
    Mar 2001


    John, did you speak to any stewards about this? - GA

  16. #36
    Join Date
    Mar 2001


    Quote Originally Posted by Rabbit05 View Post
    OH...BTW they ran another guy out of ITB this weekend too...
    To be fair, John, unless these guys were rude, aggressive, or physical about it, this is the correct way to address issues of non-compliance. If your parts were non-compliant then they were non-compliant, right? Ours is a peer-review process, one that expects competitors to self-police as much as practicable. Sounds like that's what happened here. At least it didn't escalate into a formal protest situation.

    If your conflicts were centered around points of non-compliance, and these disagreements were handled in an adult fashion, and the conflicts did not bleed out onto the track, then I suggest that we take a few deep breaths and maybe we'll see you in July...?

    As for the Mustang guy that got "ran out", his was an obviously-non-compliant car: plastic panels and glass, rear deck spoiler, stuff like that. He's a real nice guy, sorry he got busted, but his was not a simple matter of switching a few parts, it was a car that was clearly in violation of the regs. From what I understand "they" (those guys? Scurineering?) spoke to him and asked him to move to an appropriate class (he went to Prod, IIRC).

    BTW, we do, to a limited extent, allow non-compliant cars to run as long as they waive points or something like that. That, I believe, is how they handled the Lotus Exige that was double-dipping into ITR...

    - Greg

  17. #37
    Join Date
    Mar 2003


    I deleted my last long post , I typed it out in anger. I'm not a good forum person .

    This will be my last post .

    I didnt like the way it was handled. period.

    I was going on info about the Ford guy from another source. I was told one thing an another happens to be true. My bad.

    No you wont see me in July . This decision has been brewing for a while and it's final .

    What happened Saturday was the icing on the cake for me.

    Take care and keep the dark side down.

    - John
    John VanDenburgh

    VanDenburgh Motorsports
    ITB Audi Coupe GT

  18. #38
    Join Date
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    Colchester, CT, USA


    That's too bad John. You were running great out there!!

    Yeah, the Mustang (Capri?) guy has been told many, MANY times over the years and everyone looked the other way because he was slow. Unfortunately he just didnt care which to me shows a lack of respect to his competitors.
    Jeff L

    ITA Miata

    2010 NARRC Champion

    2007 NERRC Championship, 2nd place
    2008 NARRC Championship, 2nd place
    2009 NARRC Championship, 2nd place

  19. #39
    Join Date
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    I recall that Mustang too. Somewhat laughed about how obvious things were it was comical in many respects. I do agree that there's a better class if that's how the owner wishes to run the car.

    everyone looked the other way because he was slow.
    Jason, sorry I didn't make it. Last minute needing to drop the car off at an exhaust shop. Still haven't done more then 2 consecutitve laps with the darn thing yet. And need to figure out why it's so down on power. Sigh.
    Dave Gran
    Real Roads, Real Car Guys – Real World Road Tests
    Go Ahead - Take the Wheel's Free Guide to Racing

  20. #40
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    "Guido" Edward Funk....the most dangerous ITB racer at the Targa Florio in Sicily..getting advice from his racing coach,




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