What steve said. And of course there is no homologation spec for seat sliders - or mounts, so there' sno follow the leader option here. we' seem to be perfectly willing to allow an 8855-1999 seat on any old mount, as safe or unsafe as you wish. but the simillalry non-homologated sliders are verboten. I've written in on the subject, again, and hopefully my current relationship with the CRB and BoD will develope a conversation where previously it was resplied with soemthing like 'thank you but no.'

I'm thinking minimum mounting requirements (hardware, hard points, reinforcment, tie in with cage rules more cleanly, etc..) and wording expressing an understanding that FIA SEATS FLEX (this seems to be interpreted as a problem by many tech officials I have discussed it with OR is understood and poor mounting is excused as a result) and a restriction on position of the seat vs. cage to eliminate flexure into cage members or rerquire back braces etc..