So let's be clear here. I'm fine with the ITAC revisiting the SIR. I think it was a mistake and I agree with your basic premise that it killed the E36. It did, but it did so because at least in significnat part because people did not TRY to work with it. They punched the easy button and went to ITR or BMWCCA.

I would actually support the SIR coming off the car, but understand you are looking at a 3280 race weight. I'm sure there will be griping about that.

We are NOT going to back to 2850 and no SIR, which was a mess. We had a car making 215 whp at least at 2850, and probably more for some of the best examples.

So yes, the SIR would be reconsidered by the ITAC but not in the context of a whitewashing of the history regarding the E36 based on the misconception that the car was NOT an overdog. It was.