Quote Originally Posted by Ron Earp View Post
Agreed, but that doesn't have much to do with why IT is specifically prevented from being National. THAT is the interesting question.
That's an easy question, easily resolved through searches on this forum (I'm too lazy). We've gone through this before. Quick answer...

Early 80's, N Cali and PacNW started a new series, I forget the name (Prof knows it), the genesis of IT. Wildly popular. Regions/Divisions across this land of ours all wanted to start a category like that, but each had slight variations on the regs so it made it difficult for competitors to race outside their own areas. Divisions asked SCCA (in Englewood CO at the time, I believe) to publish standard set of regs for IT. Englewood agreed to publish a rulebook (each category was published in a separate physical book at the time, no PDFs!) but said that they would do it with the mandate that this was a Regional-only category, not eligible for National status. It was being done solely as a service to the membership to standardize the regs, with absolutely, positively no intention to make the category a National class.

And they lived happily ever after.