SCCA posted the prelim minutes for the October Fastrack.

In those minutes under suggested rule changes for 2013, it says:

“3. #9046 (SCCA Staff) Require Minimum Windshield Thickness in GCR Section 9
Change GCR section 9.3.55 as follows: 9.3.55 WINDSHIELDS/WINDSHIELD CLIPS/REAR WINDOW
Add a new first sentence as follows: Polycarbonate windshields such as Lexan are allowed except in Improved Touring, Super Touring, American Sedan, Showroom Stock, B-Spec, Spec Miata, and Touring. Alternate windshields must be of 6mm minimum thickness.

But currently in the GCR under 9.1.4.F.8 Super Touring, it reads:

“All vehicles must use a stock, OEM equivalent, safety glass windshield, or 0.25 inch minimum thickness Lexan replacement, mounted in the stock location, at the stock angle and maintaining the stock profile.”

So starting in 2013 are polycarbonate/Lexan windshields no longer allowed in Super Touring, or is this just an error?