After some more research I am staying away from Redline MTL - lacking the additives for the LSD per Redline's comments and other users experiences. For the application Redline recommends MT-90 (of course).

I have a few quarts still of MT-90 so I leaning towards changing it out and see what it feels like with new fluid in it.

As far as the sticky shifting; I can't come up with a part that would be failing aside from something adjustable that would cause the shifting to feel sticky while sitting still with the clutch in engine on or off.

I was having difficult shifting at Grattan a few weeks back in high g-force right hand turns. My theory being some twist in the system as it loaded up under the g's. To counter this pulling back and to the right a bit made it feel smooth during the high g corners from third to fourth gear. The other times shifting from third to fourth was done in straight sections and felt fine.