Flyinglizard: "Try for less than 54% rear weight."
Do you mean 54% FRONT weight?

"Keeping your eyes near center for all of your info input ..."
It's not so much a left/center/right issue as a near/far issue. Your eyes refocus just going from the gauges to the mirror. And all the while, there are a potload of IT cars capable of covering the length of a football field in under 2 seconds. And things can really get weird when night racing. And, all the while, we count the ounces in getting the weight off, but ignore what Carroll Smith often referred to as "the weakest link in any race car ... the driver!"No mas!!!

"Swap out the oil pump, add a strut to the pickup tube ..."
New pump has already been ordered. Existing P/U tube has additional bracket in OE trim, but may add gusset(s) pending 'autopsy'.

"... add distance to the pan."
Do you mean lengthen the P/U tube?