I am sure there are divided opinions on this. The request is pasted below. What do folks think?

Request Details

Title: Allow replacement wiring
Category: IT
Class: IT
Car: none
Request: Please provide an allowance to remove or replace wires and connectors in vehicle and engine wiring harnesses. Prohibit the addition of any functional current/signal path that was not present in the OEM system (you cannot run a new wire path that wasn't already there unless it is already permitted within the rules), in respect of the principles of the class.

The reason for my request is just a basic desire to simplify repair and maintenance of the race car.

While I am aware that there may be some cases where a car could loose some amount of weight through re-wiring, I struggle to convince myself that this could account for more than one or two dozen pounds. Personally as a competitor I don't mind one bit if every other racer in my class is able to achieve minimum specified weight - that would only make the racing more competitive and thus enjoyable. Considering that most oem wiring is routed along the floor and/or frame rails, I am not even convinced that loosing a few pounds there is an advantage vis a vis weight distribution.

As car builders and maintainers we would appreciate the opportunity to clean up the appearance and servicability of our race cars when we encounter a wiring failure or decide to take advantage of an allowance such as installing a replacement ecu. Please allow us to do so.

thank you,
Chris Schaafsma

letter number #3799