I had no window into the rules-making process between the time I left road racing (1990) and returned in 2004, so I don't know, Jeff.

Creep is by definition unintentional, in that nobody sits down and develops a strategic plan for how allowances for new modifications will be rolled out. And you take a much narrower view of what a "performance mod" is than I do. EVERY allowance has improved performance at the margin - otherwise each wouldn't have been requested.

Finally (and sorry I missed it before), back to this...

What is "the category?" It's the members. ...

The Improved Touring category has outlived something more than a QUARTER MILLION members. The first obligation of the decision makers is to the well-being and longevity of the program, NOT to the relatively limited number of current participants. Recruiting, retention, and satisfaction of the members is an outcome of program health. See Travis's comparison again. Read it a few times, while thinking about the Club Racing participants who have come and gone just in the time you've (you all) been involved.

They leave for all kinds of reasons, almost none of which are factors controlled by the IT rules-makers. We have no obligation to try to give each of them what he or she wants. You have the responsibility to remember the history and take the long view.