When you identify the locations you want to anchor your inboard net to the cage (at the rear) and on the dash bar (if that's the route you go as Vaughan suggests), a good trick is to get a hardware store to cut you a couple of large chain links in half and weld them to the cage. I did this before I painted the inside of the cabin so I got them w/out a finish. I won't recall the size of the chain link now but I think I took the net to a tractor supply store and we matched it up to get a good size chain link.

Your straps wrap around the cage, not the links (they are just to locate the straps) so make sure you sand the inside opening well so there is nothing to cause the straps to fray if they do slip around. It was the best thing I heard to do when mounting mine in 2004 (got the tip from some circle track guys here in Charlotte) as it wasn't something IT folks were doing at the time.

Again, to echo what Vaughan is saying, you won't want this going straight forward, it will be at an angle starting from slightly behind your seatback to something toward the passenger area (aft) - obviously, your seat will dictate how you run it. I don't have a good picture but if you need any detailed pics, I can take a few and post them.