Quote Originally Posted by Greg Amy View Post
Matt, respectfully, if your car was not competitive to the 2009 PRR, it will not likely be nationally competitive in STU.
Greg, I agree and was just mentioning that for the sake of mentioning it. the specs for ex-WC cars from 10 years ago are worlds apart from a car ran last year.
this is not such the case for IT and many other classes in SCCA that have had the same basic rulset for a decade.

As for my car, it's prepped within STU rules- I obtained a VTS for the 240 when I was initially considering running the car for ideas on how they were built. then I laughed at the prep compared to current WC cars and started scouring the STU specs again for places I could improve the car for the fewest thousand Benjamins.
and no I'm not worried about being nationally competitive right now. probably (most likely) never will be, but I'll do the best I can with the budget I've got.