Quote Originally Posted by Knestis View Post
I've seen it alluded to several times here and I'm intrigued about the idea of "going slowly to warm up the tires." I'll swerve around as much - or more - than the next guy on a controlled pace lap but NOTHING warms up the tires as quickly as driving around corners at full speed. Someone tells me that they are going slow on the first lap so they can go faster on a later one, I'm calling some BS on that. There's SOMEthing else going on.

You haven't seen me warm up my tires. It is very difficult for me to get mine warm and I get to the point of sliding the rear end around (which I don't dare do at a faster speed) That and a combination of lots of brake. Does it also help me for the first few laps to avoid traffic. Yup. Just icing on the cake!! I don't block people if they want to get by. Does it give me an advantage? You bet!! Why wouldn't I take advantage of it???

And I may get to grid early but I have NEVER been in the way.

Quote Originally Posted by ShelbyRacer View Post
Just askin' the question-

Could someone further back on the grid make a case for "blocking" in that situation? It may not at first seem like a popular idea, but if it really is an issue at some tracks, then would that be a route to resolution?
Ah yes. The infamous Cefelo/Foley incident............ That was a shit storm!!