You're all invited ...

Come join the Missouri Valley Race Group at MidAmerica Motorplex (Pacific Junction, IA) for the "Fun in the Sun Regional / National / IT Tour" event on August 14/15, 2010. The theme for this event is MAM (State) Fair. Come see the stewards in the dunk tank and other fun carnival-type events at the Saturday night party.

On-line registration available at: - club: Missouri Valley Race Group - All Events


Sorry, invitations are a little late - there's already several IT cars entered:
ITA - Doug Low
ITB - David Webb
ITA - David Gird
ITS - Court Nebuda
ITR - Ralph Woodard
ITA - Jesse Prather
ITA - Travis Nordwald
ITE - Mac Spikes
ITB - Lael Cleland
(Confirmation letters should be out later today for those of you who are already entered.)

Registration closes Wednesday, August 11th at 5:PM CDT.

Come join us for a great weekend!
If you have any questions - please don't hesitate to ask!

Kelley Huxtable
MVRG Registration Chief
KelleyHux <at> yahoo <dot> com