Some of this is cross posted from the Sandbox.

We're now up to just over 160 students enrolled, and are continually receiving more students.

Things are also evolving and I'm trying to learn and incorporate that into the process. The student questionnaire has grown to request more information, and help the initial discussions.

To help deal with all of the spam filter issues, in my introduction e-mail between student and mentor I've asked that each person add them to their contact list and allowed / white list if possible. Based on what I'm hearing, this has helped.

Students have been very positive with their feedback of the program; thank you! SCCA national has also been enthusiastic about the program (and overall site). We do continue to struggle making regions aware any of this even exists, even though it's been announced in SportsCar and Inside Line. Communication to regions and members sure poses a challenge to say the least.

I truly do appreciate everyone here that has volunteered to become a mentor and helped make others aware this support exists.