1. What a wonderful, sunny beautiful day, and an excellent,
competitive, fun race !!! Thanks everyone!

2. Rob Driscoll (25 ITS), Rob Breault (36 ITR), Nick Leverone (89 SM),
Anthony Ruddy (86 ITA), congrats on the win!!

3. Ben Phillips (33 ITR) bummer on the post race.. you were
very fun to run with, and I hope we do it again soon.

4. Jeff Henderson (23 ITS) I accept your apology for running
me off at the exit of the bowl for 2nd, we almost made it through

5. Matt Rooke (16 ITS) thanks for passing the bastard

6. Jimmy Locke (70 SM) I looked for you after, sorry we didn't meet...
At NHMS, passing under braking into 3 (DIVEBOMBING) is
generally a very risky maneuver, as the offline passing car
often contacts the online car that you are trying to pass, when
the forward car goes in to the apex.

It is a perfectly reasonable tactic to gain position, but you
have to assume (know) that the car being passed is aware that
you are there and going to try it, and it is incumbent upon the
passing car not to contact, which is very difficult to do there.

It is a perfectly UNREASONABLE tactic when you are being lapped.

Luckily I saw you in time, scratched my head, and allowed you
to divebomb through without contact, but it really wasn't to
be expected, since you were being lapped. Next time please
save the risky maneuvers for when it counts, ok?

7. Dominic Crugnale (29 ITR) congrats on the fastest laptime 1:13.1...
next time in qualifying I am going to go through
the barrier in 3 to 10 to shave off a few seconds too!

Again, what a great time!
