Quote Originally Posted by gran racing View Post
Dan, you have a car that's already built. Forget the Miata, forget spending a lot of money on the Escort. You've also mentioned that your budget plays a factor. So, work on improving your driving! You don't have a competitive car, which can honestly play in your favor since you shouldn't be as tempted to keep developing it. After you've improved your abilities, then start looking at the car.

I look back at how my car was classed in ITA where it had absolutely no shot and realize that wasn't the worst thing that happened to me. AFTER I had some time to improve the driver, I was then able to start improving the car. The driver should come first.
Dave I fully under stand what you are saying. However the condition of my car is such that I cannot even add the most basic adjustable sway bar to get the car so it can handle properly. Extensive welding repairs are required. Not a smart move on an Escort. I am attending track days and schools this year as much as I can, end of this month at NHMS to start, both a track day with a school followed by a regional. I have been told that if I drive a car that does not respond correctly I will not learn to drive properly. So I am in a quandry as I want to learn but I want to learn in a car I can trust and have confidence in. This is a long term goal as there will be no new car this year but next year I had hoped to be in a position where my driving could be improved with a better handling car. Sorry about the long winded answer...