It's important to keep in mind the original intent of this old single release rule. Written at a time when there was very little safety equipment in the car -- no side nets, winged seats or H&N restraints you had to wear -- the general idea was that getting out of the seat is good enough, and back then it was true. Getting out of the seat meant you could get out of the car.

This is not true today, and drivers using SFI-designed H&N restraints have been trapped in burning cars: (Was the SCCA driver who burned to death at Daytona last year was using an SFI design?)

We sell product to people who cannot, under any circumstances, exit their car using an SFI-design product. Meanwhile we have never had an Isaac product returned because of concern about egress. Never. Ask someone who uses an Isaac product about this, and then ask yourself why the people who complain about Isaac and single release have never used it. It's laughable; it's like a virgin complaining about sex.

Safety advances in motorsports are never incremental, so here's what will happen:

  1. An Isaac user will have their Isaac taken away from them.
  2. They will be forced to use an SFI design.
  3. They will have a fire or side impact, or lose their shoulder belts.
  4. They will die (or end up a quad).
  5. The SCCA will get sued into the next dimension.
  6. The jury, which has never heard of SFI, will find gross negligence.
  7. The gross negligence finding means there is no insurance.
  8. SCCA tanks.

Then the rules will change.

(That's the "lite" version.)

Think this isn't already being set up?